for singers of all genres, singers in vocal groups and choirs and singing actors


for aspiring and professional singers of various popular and classical genres


for voice actors, artistic speakers, professional readers, moderators, comedians


learn to use the voice in a healthy way, overcome hoarsness, voice and breathing problems


for auditions, castings, concerts, studio recordings, TV and radio shows etc.


for anyone who wants to inspire with an authentic message and reach the audience emotionally


for vocal groups, choirs, bands, music-, theatre- or studio productions and individual projects.


rehearsing and coaching singers / actors during recording and guiding through the process.


we produce and record a song, voice demo or scene for you.


Every voice technique has the purpose to serve the expression of a content or an emotional state in an authentic way, so vocal coaching classes always stay connected to the intention and artistic purpose. When we get familiar with the diverse range of vocal expressions, we can voice every identity and quality, every emotional state, every thought, to get in direct contact with our audience and move our listeners. Singing and Acting is about using the voice as a differentiated tool of expression of a message, a musical idea or the characters, their statements and emotions. But this will only succeed if the vocal subtleties are already internalised and we can retrieve them automatically, so that they serve the content, the story and its say.

Vocal Coaching can support you to develop greater flexibility for the voice, to find maximum freedom within the performance of a song or a text. Learn how to enrich the vocal sound spectrum and experience it as powerful and fluid to sing and speak effortless. When we do not interfere in the subtle vibration of the vocal chords by compensating or applying counterproductive habits, the vocal resonance unfolds naturally and freely. The exemption from vocal habits and patterns that  limit the vocal freedom and prevent authentic expression is a prerequisite for access to one’s potential. The physiological-functional approach that I offer allows a natural regulation of voice and breath as well as maintaining the health of the voice under high vocal demands. A reflexive respiratory function forms the basis of the vocal exercises, which aim at an expansion of the vocal range and opening of the resonance spaces, to the experience of the embodied voice.

We also work on a connection of the speaking voice and singing voice, so that the voice can develop their richness of resonance and its carrying capacity, so that the voice attains the necessary presence for the stage and in front of camera, with and without microphone and can produce quiet, sustained sounds as well as loud, emotional expressiveness.

A fully balanced state between the right amount of tension and relaxation leads to a good and healthy voice technique. I help you to build a sustainable, resonant vocal sound and supported breathing for everyday life or for the stage, by focusing on a healthy physiological use. If you struggle with specific vocal problems like hoarseness, compensatory habits of over pressing, wrong breathing techniques etc. Vocal Coaching will include Voice Recovery.



The artistic speaking training for actors and singers covers the entire spectrum of vocal, speaking and acting skills in the field of performing arts and musical performance in a song. This requires a fundamental, holistic education of the voice.

Text work is about integrating pronunciation, articulation, speech melody, modulation, text design, role work and expression into the vocal process. The goal is to develop a transparent articulation by maintaining the voice quality without losing voice resonance. In this context we explore how the intention affects body tension and sound quality. A balanced state of body tension accompanies the mental process. The special requirements for stage actors as well as film actors are considered in the training.



We guide you through all aspects: vocal presence and flexibility, the vocal expressions relevant for the character and scenes well as the vocal interpretation of songs. Under the guidance of a professional performance coach you will also have the opportunity to work on your stage presence, presentation, interpretation and relevant acting scenes.

Apart from the artistic abilities and musical performance many auditions and entrance examinations include tests for the vocal abilities and stability of the participant. If a singers or actors voice does not appear strong and durable enough in the ears of the jury, it can be rejected as unsuitable for that profession. Actors or singers that may face a vocal break down after some weeks or months of intense, daily work, are seen as a risk and may not pass the audition for that reason. In preparation it is therefore recommended to let vocal stability be checked by an experienced vocal coach and get the relevant training beforehand to pass those tests successfully.



To integrate one’s own voice into the overall sound of a group without losing contact with a objective musical vision or the personal need for expression demands a special perception of one’s own vocal possibilities. In addition to working on a tonal unity of the entire group, individual voice training in individual sessions is important. Vocal freedom is the prerequisite of every singer to be able to follow the instructions of the conductor or musical director and the requirements of the musical repertoire.

We organize exclusive voice workshops or regular work for individual groups. Group vocal coaching includes working on the sound unity of the whole group and individual coaching within the group. The service is for vocal groups, choirs, bands, music or theatre productions, supervision of individual singing projects and studio projects Flexible teaching locations. I come to the place where you rehearse or perform.


The ability to sing is not just a gift or talent. Anyone with a voice can learn to sing. Singing is based on techniques that are embedded in a musical, physical and mental training. Singing is a musical expression of emotions and meaning, an artistic craft that connects. Outstanding vocal performances are challenging or emotionally moving the listener, when the singer conveys a message or story in an authentic way, with a vibrant, free voice that is flexible enough to follow the singers intentions and the given musical structure. My singing lessons are holistic and bring all those elements together. In order to gain the freedom to create, it is essential to set the voice free, by overcoming compensatory habits and accessing a fully balanced state of tension and relaxation for the whole body, including healthy breathing support. We work on opening up the vocal resonance spectrum, embracing your unique, natural voice, accessing the full range, gaining vocal flexibility and finally different forms and styles of vocal expressions if so wished, to integrate into musically oriented exercises and specific song material.

Every lesson is customized to your individual goal. These goals can change over time and lead to the ability to express yourself freely when you sing. We always develop and maintain a healthy voice technique that will sustain over long time. Some professional singers face serious vocal problems and injuries throughout their career, due to high pressure, singing habits and an unbalanced lifestyle. It doesn’t have to lead to this point, when you learn a healthy singing technique from the start.

We also work on mastering vocal and musical structure and gaining freedom within that structure. Singing techniques serves the objective of the performance and the direct, authentic delivery of the message or story that is told. As a music producer and vocal producer, I meet the special needs of Singer-Songwriters and artists that write their own music, record in a studio or perform, that want to find their own, natural and individual singing style.



We support singers to prepare for their performance. By getting to know, allow and retrieve the diverse range of expressions of our voice, we can give voice to every hidden identity, every emotional state, every thought, every message and get in direct contact with our audience. In performance we unfold the sound of our voice musically and fill it with content, message and life – to reach our audience emotionally. And this only succeeds if we have already internalized the vocal subtleties and are able to retrieve them automatically, so that they are in service of the music and its message instead of standing in their way.

This requires a thorough preparation, intensive work on the musical material, the lyrics, the emotional context, the story and message, the inner attitude, the communication with fellow musicians, the stage presence, movements or choreography, microphone technique … but also the confrontation with stage fright, internal and external critics. These skills can be deepened and improved in additional performance coaching.


There are voices that we perceive as pleasant, which we like to listen to, that evoke emotional response or leave a lasting impression. Each vocal sound is individually shaped by the physiological conditions and the personal history. The effect of the voice on others, on our professional success and the effect of our mood on our voice is often underestimated. The voice is the immediate audible reflection of our state, one of the most direct means of communication available to us, the bridge between our thoughts and our environment. Does our voice in our professional or personal life reflect who we are or the person we want to be perceived as? Are self-image and public-image differing from each other?

Luckily our voice can be trained and changed. In professional life, voices that are anchored in the body often appear to be well-sounding, reliable and confident. Such voices are often described as clear, deep, strong or warm. This impression is not only due to the given pitch of the voice, but results from a combination of body, breathe and voice and is supported by an optimal posture, a balanced body tension state, free respiratory function and open resonance.
Our voice appears particularly expressive when we are standing “behind it” with our body and inner attitude. Sometimes this condition is also described as speaking “from the gut”. Behind this is a physiological, technical but also psychological process, that can be learned and practiced. An anchored, powerful voice influences presence, charisma and retrospectively changes self-esteem.



In the voice training for speakers we first explore when and how the voice changes intentionally or unintentionally. We analyse the vocal self-image and public-image, examine respiratory patterns during speech as well as possible respiratory and vocal disorders. The exercises aim to develop a free and supported vocal sound that can effortlessly resonate with both loud and soft speech and can act appropriately. By incorporating exercises rooted in singing techniques, it is possible to develop a rich resonance and sustainability in some time. The physiological-functional approach that I offer enables a natural regulation of voice and breath to maintaining vocal health through the entire professional life.

The challenges in everyday working life can have an impact on voice and breath as well. This is manifested, for example, by sensations of lack of breath, powerless dynamic or limited loudness, strained voice, hoarseness, a breaking voice in stressful situations or tightness in the throat. We solve these patterns in a regeneration phase supported by special exercises. This happens in harmony with the physiological prerequisites, so that successful communication is possible. The transformation of artificially created vocal techniques and patterns that merely simulate or imitate certain effects, prevent authentic expression and limit the vocal possibilities is important to access the vocal potential for a well-sounding voice.

In addition, we work with breath and voice to use text elements in a creative way and increase their informative value. In the textual work, the pronunciation, articulation and expression then also have to be integrated into the vocal process. Here it is necessary to develop a transparent articulation and to maintain the voice quality without losing the voice resonance. In this context we explore how the intention affects body tension and sound quality. A balanced state of body tension accompanies the mental process.

In the long term, we develop a professional speaking voice that transports content and statements in a coherent, effective and consistent manner with the intention of the speaker.



Voice training for speakers goes hand in hand with performance coaching. With our performance coach you will prepare lectures, presentations, meetings, job interviews in an individual performance work. The focus here is on professional storytelling, presentation and structuring, optimisation of the speech manuscript, presentation techniques, body language, gestures, self awareness, dealing with critical audiences, the stage situation, dealing with and overcoming stage fright, presence and charisma, convincing and successful communication with business partners and supervisors, talking in front of camera and more.


Is your voice often hoarse when you speak or sing?
Do you experience a loss of vocal range, especially high notes?
Are you able to sing loud, but unable to sing clear with a soft voice?
Does your voice get tired and weak after a long day?
Do you suffer from a short and heavy breath?
Do you feel tensed in your throat?
Do you have pain in the throat when you speak or sing for a longer time?
Do you sometimes lose your voice?

When your voice gets hoarse, the tone is breathy or rough, you experience singing or speaking as exhausting and you feel uncomfortable when using your most personal instrument, voice recovery can help you. Even professional actors, speakers and singers can reach a point in their career, where they face vocal limits, lose some vocal abilities by systematic vocal overstrain, constant oversinging, compensatory habits, heavy colds or psychological and physiological pressure. This internalization of counterproductive habits can lead to loss of vocal freedom, limited range and flexibility or damage of the vocal chords.
To solve those issues it needs a sensitive, careful recovery, accompanied by a professional vocal coach. A check-up with a specialized doctor can clear up if the problem is temporary, organic or functional.

To overcome specific vocal problems like hoarseness, compensatory habits of over pressing, manipulative breathing techniques this recovery includes reflecting the circumstances that leaded to the specific problems. It includes bodywork, breathing and vocal chords recovery, gaining back lost vocal abilities, finding ways to overcome the problems for long term and learning new techniques to develop a sustainable, healthy vocal use withstanding the requirements of the artists professional life.

The goal is to develop and maintain a healthy voice technique that will sustain over long time. Many singers face serious vocal problems and vocal injuries throughout their career, due to high pressure, bad singing habits and an unbalanced lifestyle. It doesn’t have to lead to this point, when you learn a healthy singing technique and how to maintain it.

The private Voice Recovery coaching ranges between vocal coaching, voice therapy and vocal wellness and is open to everyone who wants to find a way to enjoy singing and speaking (again). Voice Recovery can be an integral part of vocal coaching or singing lessons.





let us know which coachings or lessons you are interested in


for a voice lesson, singing lesson or vocal coaching session


for your first voice lesson at our studio in Berlin



When you are located outside Berlin, Germany or if you want to takes classes from the place of your choice, you can book online lessons. Maria offers Vocal Coaching, Voice Recovery and Singing lessons per video call services. You can take lessons wherever you are. All you need is a space where you are undisturbed, a computer system and reliable, fast internet connection.

Many years ago Maria started working with singers that are touring and performing all around the world and want to keep in touch via remote coaching to maintain their voice routine and vocal health. In recent years, with the help of the technological advancement, Maria extended the online coaching services to make them available to everyone.


from our lessons and services


with your full name, Zoom/ Skype contact and booking request


via email and wait for the booking confirmation


via paypal or bank at least five days before the start of the lesson


prepare the technical setup for your online lessons


for your voice lesson online from everywhere


Individual lessons

70€ (60 min.)

90€ (90 min.)

  • for onetime or irregular lessons, anytime
  • singing lessons, vocal coaching, voice recovery
  • voice training for speakers
  • preparing for a casting, performance, recording, acting scene, presentation
  • remote or online (optional)

Regular Lessons

60€ (60 min.)

80€ (90 min.)

  • regular, one lesson per week
  • singing lessons, vocal coaching, voice recovery
  • voice training for speakers
  • preparing for a casting, performance, recording, acting scene, presentation
  • remote or online (optional)

Package of 12

680€ (12 lessons)

  • valid for one year
  • irregular lessons à 60 min. anytime on demand
  • for professionals who are often on the go, or for anyone who wants to work on their voice for fun and self-exploration without booking regular sessions
  • singing lessons, vocal coaching, voice recovery
  • voice training for speakers
  • preparing for a casting, performance, recording, acting scene, presentation


  • remote or online (optional)

    Voice & Performance


    • valid for one year
    • regular lessons à 60 min.
    • 8X performance coaching
    • 8X vocal coaching/ singing lessons
    • Combine singing lessons and vocal training with performance coaching.
    • preparing for a casting, performance, recording, acting scene, presentation


    • remote or online (optional)

    Group Work, Voice Direction, Voice Production

    budget oriented

    • per project and long term objectives
    • depending on various factors
    • maximum quality out of the attainable budget

      Contact us for more informations and prizes options